GSF in the news

Sarah & Pam hold chickens, the cuddliest feathered farm animal

Sarah & Pam hold chickens, the cuddliest feathered farm animal

Northern Virginia Magazine

Two women, a dietitian and a Paralympian, start a beyond-organic farm in Middleburg

“‘It started raining sideways. Can I call you back?’ 

This is life on the farm, the new reality for Pamela Jones and Sarah Waybright, who are turning a former Middleburg horse pasture into Gathering Springs Farm

The two were out in the field, Jones on a tractor, Waybright ducking for cover as she discussed their plans for not only creating a beyond-organic farm, but one employing regenerative soil management to boost the health of the land…”

Pam seeds a row of beets while Sarah flame weeds in the background.

Pam seeds a row of beets while Sarah flame weeds in the background.

Loudoun Now

Duo to Sell Organic Produce, Educate Community at Gathering Springs Farm

“A dietitian and professional athlete’s love for fresh and healthy food has translated into a partnership that not only will feed the community with all kinds of organic produce, but also an education on what goes into the process.

Starting next month, friends Pam Jones and Sarah Waybright will begin selling produce at the Middleburg Farmers Market—produce they have harvested on their Gathering Springs Farm four miles north of the town using an intensive growing system with techniques like flame weeding and regenerative soil management. The duo will bring arugula, spinach, radishes, beats, scallions and assorted Asian greens…”


Visit Loudoun:

celebrating loudoun's women in agriculture

This Women's History Month, Visit Loudoun is celebrating Loudoun's female farmers. Take a listen to what these inspiring women have to say about working in agriculture!


Gathering Springs Farm has a certain dreaminess. There’s a peacefulness that won’t be found in bustling cities or busy streets. Being there makes you wonder if this is the way we were meant to live: under the sun, dirt in our nails, grounded by the earth, surrounded by nature.

Pam and Sarah Farming-33.jpg

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